I have a few more cool stamps from my recent score of new stamps. This first one is from Australia. I love it because it's just so 80's! I know it says 1965 on it, but really, who can look at this stamp and NOT think B-52's??
Scary warrior guy holding a little head. I love the colors in this stamp and the look on the warriors face. I've run across a few stamps similar to this and they're some of my favorites.
Never one to leave out plant life, I found a few more great flower stamps. The Nippon stamp has great colors and I love the design on the Amnesty International stamp.
Last but not least, a fabulous ship! I have a separate collection of ship stamps because I'm fascinated by all things ocean and this is going to be a fabulous addition. I think I'm getting close to doing a project with all of my ship stamps but I'm still working out the design details in my head.