One of my latest finds while pursuing new inventory for my
vintage shop was this old Smith Corona Galaxy typewriter. I fell in love with it when I saw it and just couldn't bring myself to sell it in my shop.
It seems to be in perfect working order, so I ordered a new ink ribbon and fired her up. The coolest part is that it comes in a little portable travel case.
I have big plans for this machine. I've always loved typewriters- I think they connect you more to your writing than typing on a computer. It's slow and gives you time to mentally edit a little more as you're writing as well as digging deeper into your thoughts as they spill out on the page. I like that and I'm hoping to do a little more writing now that I have a typewriter to do it on.
I dug out some of the poetry I've written over the last few years and thought I would type some of them up and post them. Here's the first, written during a solo trip to Puerta Vallarta that I took a few years back.