Today I went a little nuts painting canvases yellow. I mixed way too much paint, so I just kept painting canvases yellow until I ran out of the yellow paint. I've been on a yellow kick lately, so definitely more yellow pieces coming soon...
I finished putting together another penguin. Pancho. Pancho wears a sombrero and takes a lot of siestas. It's appropriate that he make his debut on Cinco de Mayo.
I also painted a blue canvas and started testing rough layouts for a new piece I have in mind. I'm not very happy with this particular design and will probably scrap the whole thing and start over, but I thought I would show you how it all begins.
Sometimes my initial ideas play out well, and other times I'm really unhappy with them and abandon them altogether. I think I have a strong idea, but need to find another way to get it across.
This is one of the nicest blues that I've mixed but I'm going to set this project (and canvas) aside until I resolve the design issue.
My posts may be a little slow in coming this week as I'm packing up my studio on Thursday, patching the nail holes in the walls, taping off the window and prepping to paint this weekend. I can't stand the pale butter yellow walls or the garish rust colored window casing. It all must go. I plan to repaint 2 of the walls a different, brighter yellow and a 3rd wall a pale green/gold color. Or a pale blue. Or a pale gray. Ok, I'm still undecided on the 3rd wall. I suppose I should make a decision rather soon.... I'll post before and after pics.
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